You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Grocery Theme >> Preschool Grocery Songs and Music
What Will You Buy?
(tune: Farmer in the Dell)
Submitted by Freta
What will you buy? What will you buy?
What will you buy At the grocery store?
Jars and Cans. Jars and Cans.
Jars and Cans at the Grocery Store.
Apples and bananas. Apples and bananas.
Apples and bananas At the grocery store.
Meat and Veggies. Meat and Veggies.
Meat and Veggies at the grocery store.

Idea: Make up your own verses
Set up a grocery store in your class. Let your children shop while they sing.
Clipping Coupons
Submitted by Susan
Clip, Clip, Clip Your Coupons
Clip them up, Clip them up
And take them to the store!
Shopping Song
Submitted by Charlene
A shopping we will go, a shopping we will go.
We will buy some vegetables, a shopping we will go.
A shopping we will go, a shopping we will go,
We will buy some cinnamon buns, a shopping we will go.
A shopping we will go, a shopping we will go.
We will buy some wonderful snacks, a shopping we will go.

Make up your own verses
These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Grocery >> Songs