You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Grocery Theme >> Preschool Grocery Activities
Grocery Bags
Submitted by Charlene
Ask local grocery stores to donate grocery bags (paper) to your class. These are great for grocery store week.
Grocery Store Dramatic Play Area
Submitted by Tina
Create a grocery store in your classroom.
Coupon Snack
Submitted by Patsy
Seperatate youur children into groups and give each group a section of coupons out of the Sunday paper. Have them pick out a snack food. Send home the coupon with a note to your parents asking them to buy that food for snack.
Grocery Store Field Trip
Submitted by Betty
Ask local grocery stores if they will let you take a "behind the scenes" field trip to their store. Almost all stores will. Your children will enjoy seeing were trucks are unloaded and the food is stored before being displayed, etc.
Grocery List
Submitted on the Comment Box
My class of visually impaired preschoolers goes to the grocery store every year. Each child has a grocery list-- a 3x5 card with a food item in print, braille, and a picture.
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