You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Grocery Theme >> Preschool Grocery Science
Coupon Match
Submitted by Carla
Ask your parents to save old food packages (jars of ketchup, mayonnaise, etc) Put these items along with a coupon for each in your dramatic play area. Let your children match up the coupon with the item it is for. This will also help them be their parents "special little helper" when they go to the grocery store with them.
Food Pyramid
Submitted by Jen
Set up a food pyramid in your classroom using food from the grocery store. Alternatively you can use coupons or plastic food
Grocery Store
Submitted by Leslie
Set up a grocery store in your class let you children pretend to buy their groceries using real coupons and play money!
These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Grocery >> Science