You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Friendship Theme >> Preschool Friendship Songs and Music
Counting Friends
Submitted by Shelly
Friends, friends one, two, three
All my friends are here with me
You're my friend, you're my friend, you're my friend
Friends, friends one, two, three
All my friends are here with me
Will You Meet a Friend
Submitted by Barbra
Will you meet a friend of mine?
Friend of mine? Friend of mine?
Will you meet a friend of mine?
This is my friend (child's name),
I Like You
Submitted by Kelly
I like you, I like you
Yes I do, Yes I do
Friends are for sharing
Friends are for caring
I like you, yes I like you
The Name Song
Submitted by Charlette
There is a school that has a boy (or girl) and (child's name) is his (her) name.
I like (child's name), you like (child's name), we all like (child's name).
Stand up and take a bow
Hello Friend
Submitted by Francis
Hello friends, kiore friends, how are you today,
Hello (child's name) kiore (child's name), how are you today.
Roll The Ball
Submitted by Jen
Roll the ball to you
Roll it back to me,
What's your name?
We're very glad you came.
I Am Special
Submitted by Rebecca
I am special, I am special
So are you, so are you
We can work together,
We can play together,
While we're at preschool
While we're at preschool
Yes we can, yes we can
Where Are You
Submitted by Lori
where is (Childs Name) where is (Childs Name)
There he (she) is, there he (she) is
How are you today sir
Very well today, sir
Sit right down , sit right down.
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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Friendship >> Songs