You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Weather Theme >> Preschool Weather Songs and Music
Beautiful Rainbow Came
Submitted by Nina
One day the sun was shining bright (hold up right hand like blocking sunlight)
But some clouds came along and it became black as night (Hold up left hand for the clouds)
Then the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground (wiggle fingers for the rain coming down)
And soon it was raining all over the town.
But when the clouds had passed on by (move both hands to one side)
A big beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky (make a rainbow arc with your hands)
The Weather
Submitted by Mindy
There was a time when we were hot and sunny was the weather,
S-u-n-n-y, s-u-n-n-y, s-u-n-n-y and sunny was the weather.

There was a time when we were wet and rainy was the weather
R-a-i-n-y-, r-a-i-n-y, r-a-i-n-y and rainy was the weather.

There was a time when we were cool and windy was the weather,
W-i-n-d-y, w-i-n-d-y, w-i-n-d-y and windy was the weather.

There was a time when we were cold and snowy was the weather,
S-n-o-w-y, s-n-o-w-y, s-n-o-w-y and snowy was the weather

Whether the Weather
Submitted by Charlette
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll whether the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!!!
What's The Weather Like Today
Submitted by Lisa
What's the weather? What's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
Tell me children what's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
Is it sunny, is it rainy, is it windy out today?
Tell me children what's the weather, what's the weather like today?
Is it foggy, partly cloudy, is it raining or is there snow?
Tell me children what's the weather, what's the weather like today?
Is it windy, is it cloudy or is there sun shining today?
Tell me children what's the weather, what's the weather like today?
March Wind
Submitted by Lisa
March wind, this march wind rattles the door;
This March wind whistles and blusters and roars!
This March wind seems angry and bends giant trees;
This March wind will scatter whatever it sees;
This March wind will scatter whatever it sees;
This March wind blows softly, a kind gentle breeze.
Then I go to sleep nicely as ever I please
My Raincoat
Submitted by Bonnie
I put on my raincoat. (Pretend to put on coat)
I put on my hat. (Pretend putting on hat)
I put up my umbrella, (Put hands and arms over head)
Just like that! Umbrellas go up, (point up)
Umbrellas go down, (point down)
When the rain clouds are dark, All over town.
One raindrop and two, (hold fingers one finger up then two)
Two raindrops and three, (hold two fingers then three)
My up and down umbrella, (move hands up and down)
Is up over me. (Put hands and arms over head)
Four raindrops and five, (hold four fingers up then five)
Six raindrops and seven, (hold six fingers up then seven)
Raindrops are tumbling down from heaven. (do sprinkles with hands)
Drip, drop, drip! I am dry as can be, (wipe arms to show dryness)
My up and down umbrella, (move hands up and down)
Is up over me (Put hands and arms over head)
Black Clouds
Submitted by Amy
Black clouds gather in the sky,
Soon it's going to storm.
Lightning, thunder, run inside,
And we'll be safe and warm.
Colors of the Rainbow
Submitted by Paige
Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue
I can sing a rainbow.. . I Sing a rainbow... and so can you.

Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue
I Can Dance A Rainbow... I Can Dance A Rainbow... and so can you

Colors up in the Rainbow
Submitted by Lisa
Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.
All the colors that we know, live up in the rainbow.
Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.
Rain, Rain Go Away
Submitted by Lisa
Rain, rain go away
Come again another day.
Little "name" wants to play
Rain, rain go away.

Repeat replacing name with a new child's name each time
Weather Today
Submitted by Carrie
What's the weather like today like today, like today?
What's the weather like today on this Friday (insert day of week))?
Well the weather is sunny(or cloudy, rainy, etc)today,
Sunny today, sunny today,
Well the weather is sunny today today on this Friday

Note: Choose a child and then have them look out the window and say the last three lines.
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