You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Weather Theme >> Preschool Weather Activities
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Submitted by Lori
Read the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs then let your children make their own weather service with pasta
Tissue Paper Wind
Submitted by Trena
Put small squares of tissue paper in a Zip Loc Bag. Put a straw in each bag and zip the bag shut. Let your children blow in the bag and see what happens to the tissue paper. Ask your children what they observed when they blew into the bag. Explain to them this is like the wind outside blowing paper. To further explain this put other tissue paper squares in front of a fan and turn it on.
Cloudy Bulletin Board
Submitted by Carol
Have your children cut out raindrops from paper. Next have them sponge paint these with blue paint while you cut out a large cloud shape from white butcher paper. Have them decorate the cloud with black handprints Hang this along with yellow lightning on your bulletin board. You can use a title like "We Are Fun Even On A Rainy Day"
Bulletin Board Rainbow
Submitted by Lee
Cut or have your children cut a large red circle. Then have them cut a slightly smaller orange circle. Then cut a yellow circle slightly smaller than the orange. And so on for green, violet, indigo, and blue. This makes a cute bulletin board border
The Sky
Submitted by Dianne
Take your children outside and show them everything in the sky (clouds, birds, telephone lines, the sun, etc) then have them draw the sky.
Weather Teddy
Submitted by Sarah
Make a teddy bear bulletin board. Make different changes of clothes for the bear. Change its clothes when the weather changes. Use the following poem on the board:

It's hot, hot, hot in the sun, sun, sun.
What should teddy wear to play in the sun?
It's cold, cold, cold in the snow, snow, snow.
What should Teddy wear to play in the snow?
It's wet, wet, wet in the rain, rain, rain.
What should Teddy wear to play in the Rain?
It's dark, dark, dark at night, night, night.
What should Teddy wear to go to bed at night?

Wind Blown
Submitted by Victoria
Have your children sponge paint strips of construction paper. Attach multi-colored streamers to this and hang outside your window. Let your children watch the streamers blow in the wind.
Colorful Toast
Submitted by Susan
Pour milk into bowls for your children. Add different colors of food coloring to the milk. Give the kids paint brushes and cookie cutters. Let them paint the bread with colored milk and cut out their favorite shapes. When their done you can toast like usual.
Gelatin Rainbow Snack
Submitted by Nicole
Purchase clear plastic cups, Make all six colors of Jell-O: cherry, orange, lemon, lime, berry blue, and grape. After the Jell-O has set spoon one spoonful of each flavor into clear cup. Top with a cloud of whip cream you have an eadible rainbow.
Colorful Necklace
Submitted by Deb
Give each child a small pile of Fruit Loop cereal. Have your children sort the colors, then string them on a yarn necklace to wear and eat the rest of the day.
Weather Music
Submitted by Gayle
During your weather theme play different weather CDs for your children Some CDs are:
Mixing Color Bottle
Submitted by Tina
About Four days before needed or as a group, chop small portions of candle wax coloring put them in bable oil (it takes about 4 days to melt into the baby oil). Once the mixture is melted, color water using food coloring. Next add colored baby oil to the bottom 1/2 of the bottle and the colored water the the top 1/2. Seal the bottles and shake. The colors will mix and then separate again and again. Blue and Yelow Works really well
Alternate Method:
Color vegetable oil with powdered tempra and add to a water bottle. Color water with food coloring and pour into the bottle. Colors will mix to form secondary color when shaken, then separate again when undisturbed. Tip: Super glue the top onto bottle to prevent opening.
Snack Ideas
Submitted by Donna
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