You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Western Theme >> Preschool Western Songs and Music
I'm a Little Cowboy/Cowgirl
(Sung to "I'm a Little Tea Pot")
Submitted by Lee
I'm a little cowboy/cowgirl. Here's my hat. (point to hat)
Here are my spurs and here are my chaps. (Point to foot and legs)
When I get up, I work all day, (Jump on work)
Get on my horse and ride away (galloping motion).
Cowboy Stew
Submitted by Amy
Cowboy stew, cowboy stew (Sing Drawn Out Cow…..Boy Ste……..w)
If I don't get some I don't know what I'll do
Take away my cowboy hat, Take away my boots
But please don't take away my cowboy stew.
Round up is On
Submitted by Tonya
Put your foot in the saddle, your hand upon the horn.
The round up is on, the round up is on.
Put your foot in the saddle, your hand upon the horn.
The round up is on today.
Big Strong Cowboy/Cowgirl
Submitted by Jenni
I'm a cowboy/cowgirl big and strong. I ride horses all day long.
I carry a lasso and sing a song. I'm a cowboy big and strong.
ai-yi-ya-yea-yippee-i-ay, ai-yi-ya-yea-yippee-i-ay, ai-yi-ya-yea-yippee-i-ay
I'm a cowboy/cowgirl big and strong!
Cowboy Star
Submitted by Fran
I'm an (Your State) (Your State) (Your State) star
And I come from the west where the cowboys are.
I can ride 'em I can rope 'em
I can show 'em how it's done.
I'm a 'rootin' 'tootin' cowboy in the (Your State) sun.
I Hop on my Horse
Submitted by Kathy
I hop on my horse and go to town (Pretend to hop on horse)
I ride up high and I don't fall down. (Pretend to ride horse)
I wear a hat so my hair won't blow (Put hand on head.)
and when I want to stop, I just say Ho! (Pretend to pull back on reins)
Roll On
(Sung To: "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean")
Submitted by Hollie
Last night as I lay on the prairie, And looked at the stars in the sky,
And I wondered if ever a cowboy, Could drift to that sweet by and by.

Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on, roll on.
Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on.

The road to that bright happy region, Is a dim narrow trail, so they say;
But the broad one that leads to perdition, Is posted and blazed all the way.

Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on, roll on.
Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on.

They say there will be a great roundup, And cowboys like dogies will stand,
To be cut by the riders of Judgment, Who are posted and know every brand.

Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on, roll on.
Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on.

I wonder if ever a cowboy, Stood ready for that Judgment Day,
And could say to the boss of the riders, I'm ready -- come drive me away.

Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on, roll on.
Roll on, roll on, Roll on, little dogies, roll on.
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