You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool St. Patricks Day Theme >> Preschool St. Patricks Day Science
Lucky Charms
Submitted by Kan Unknown Friend
Have your children sort and match the different shapes of Lucky Charms. Once they have sorted some they can graph how many of each shape where in the portion that you gave them. After the science activity this makes a great snack.
Potato Leprechaun
Submitted by Paula
Cut off the bottom and top of a potato (so that it will stand up). Slightly hallow out the top of the potato. Have your children decorate the potato as a leprechaun. Now lightly water the top of the potato. Over time the potato will grow hair (sprouts)
Rainbow Science
Submitted by Trish
Talk about the legend of a pot of gold being at the end of a rainbow. Then show your children a rainbow by putting a full glass of water in the sun, or putting a crystal in the sun. Talk about the different colors in the rainbow.
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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> St. Patrick's Day >> Science