You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Snow Theme >> Preschool Snow Arts and Crafts
Family Snowflake
Submitted by Sarah
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Q-Tip Snowflake
Submitted by Val
What You Need
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Note: You can also use colored paper and let them leave it on the paper

Note: Add string before it dries to make the snowflake an ornament.
In art projects you can use many different items as snow (egg shells, flour, sugar, laundry soap, white sand, mashed potatoes, cotton, shaving crème, cool-whip, etc.)
Submitted by Lisa
Glitter Scene
Submitted by Nancy
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What You Do:
Use ivory flakes mixed with water to create a wonderful winter scene.
Jell-O/Kool-Aid Art
Submitted by Irene
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Note: This idea also works with powdered Tempera Paint
For a snowflake print cut a bell pepper in half and dip it in white paint
Glittering Snowballs
Submitted by Carla
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What You Do:
For neat icicles, put a thick line of glue across black paper. Let the glue run down and then sprinkle glitter on it.
Submitted by Hollie
Suddenly Snowy
Submitted by Wendy
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For realistic looking snowflakes paint precut snowflakes with a thick mixture of Epsom Salt and Water
Submitted by Nancy
Paper Plate Snowmen
Submitted by Frances
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For quick and easy snow flakes paint over dollies
Submitted by Paula
Submitted by Paula
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What You Do:
Use a mixture of shaving crème and glue to form a unique (puffy) winter art project (using cool-whip creates a similar result).
Submitted by Karen
Star prints make great snowflakes.
Submitted by Jen
Snow Snaps
Submitted by Samreen Jawaid, samreenjawaid101@hotmail.comJen
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Empty thread spools make great snowflake prints
Submitted by Lori
Contact Paper Snowman
Submitted by Amy
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What You Do:
For a snowflake pattern cut several slits up from the end of a toilet paper roll and then bend them out. Dip in paint and press on paper. Note: If you use shape scissors you get even more unique snowflakes.
Submitted by Karen
For a great winter paint mix white tempera paint and glitter, it has the consistency of snow paint sold in stores but is much, much cheaper.
Submitted by Amy
Freeze colored water and let your children paint with it.
Submitted by Jen
Melted Snowman
Submitted by Danielle
What You Need:
What You Do:
Provide your children with different sizes of round corks in order to make snowmen.
Submitted by India
To add snowflakes to your classroom try coating mini pretzels with white paint and then gluing four together in a circle
Submitted by Holly
Tag Board Snowman
Submitted by Sarah
What You Need:
What You Do:
bring snow into the classroom, put it in the water table and let your children squirt colored water on it. The colors will mix into neat patterns.
Submitted by Beverly
Dip small, medium, and large balloons into white paint and have your children use them to make snowmen on paper.
Submitted by Joe
Let your children paint with marshmallows, they can dip them in paint and use them as a stamp for snowmen
Submitted by Beverly
Paper Bag Snowman
Submitted by Mandy
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What You Do:
For a great snowflake print use a strawberry basket turned inside out.
Marshmallow snowman
Submitted by Lori
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Shredded Paper Snowman
Submitted by Tina
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Bubble Wrap Snowmen
Submitted By Theresa DeLau
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Fluffy Snowmen
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Four Melted Snowman
What You Need:
What You Do:
  1. Give child wax paper with a puddle of glue (glue is the actual snowman)
  2. Let your children place twigs (arms), orange pipe cleaner (nose), googlye eyes, & yarn (tied for hanging) in the glue
  3. Sprinkle rainbow white glitter on the glue
  4. Let snowmen sit for 2-3 days
  5. Once Dried melted snowman should pull right off of the wax paper
Bubble Wrap Snowmen
Submitted By Kate S.-Director Tiny Town USA LaVista, NE
What You Need:
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These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Ice and Snow >> Art