You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Shapes Theme >> Preschool Shapes Arts and Crafts
Shape Train
Submitted by Illian
What You Need:
What You Do:
Provide your children shapes made out of sandpaper, corrugated cardboard, oak tag, and foam for your children to use as stencils or for rubbings.
Submitted by Jenny
Many Shape
Submitted by Ginger
What You Need:
What You Do:
Make Puffy Shapes by putting tissue paper on shapes with starch.
To make a shape collage have your children paint with colored glue and then put shapes on top of it.
Submitted by Ginger
Sally Square
Submitted by Courtney
What You Need:
What You Do:
Provide your children with different sizes of circles and have them make a circle dinosaur.
Submitted by Nancy
Use toilet tissue rolls, plastic cups, corks, coasters, etc to make circle stamps for your children to use.
Submitted by Amy
Shapely Stained Glass
Submitted by Lisa
What You Need:
What You Do:
have your children make shapes on paper. Then put spaghetti around the shape and let dry. The spaghetti will harden in the shape the children put that in.
Make a shape frame using contact paper and cardboard. On the open contact paper have your children make a collage of different shapes that they have cut out. This makes a great classroom hanging
These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Shapes >> Art