You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Rainbows Theme >> Preschool Rainbows Arts and Crafts
for cloud paintings use glue and shaving crème mixed to make puffy clouds.
Submitted by Tina
Color bottles of glue with the colors of a rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Violet, Indigo, Blue) using food coloring and let your children use it in art.
Submitted by Jenni
Rainbow From the Sky
Submitted by Lisa
What You Need:
What You Do:
You can make clouds with cotton, white pom-poms, puffy paint, torn scraps of paper, and more!
Submitted by Connie
Rainbow Sticks
Submitted by Julie
What You Need:
What You Do:
Fruit Loop Rainbow
Submitted by Linda
What You Need:
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These Preschool Ideas Found At:
Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Rainbows >> Art