You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Penguins Theme >> Preschool Penguins Games
Match the Bow Tie
Submitted by an Unknown User
Copy five penguin designs. Make each penguin have different color shoes. Next make 5 bow ties that are the same color as the shoes. Let the kids match the bow ties with the penguin it belongs to.
Penguin Waddle Race
Submitted by Florence
Get medium size kick balls and have the children place it between their legs and race to a point.
How Many Eggs
Submitted by Nina
Get a picture of a bird and make a nest. Write a different number on each bird. Let the kids place the correct number of eggs (corresponding numbers) into the birds nest.
Match The Eggs
Submitted by Leslie
Get an egg carton and color the inside (where the eggs sit) various colors. Have the children match the colors with those of Easter eggs and sort the eggs
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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Penguins >> Games