You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Mittens Theme >> Preschool Mittens Activities
The Mitten
Submitted by Susan
Let your children act out the story 'The Mitten' by Jan Brett. Printable masks are available by following this link: Mitten Masks
Mitten Tree
Submitted by Andi
After reading the story 'The Mitten Tree' Have your class as a whole to make a mitten tree with mittens you have pre cut.
Mitten Cookies
Submitted by Cheryl
Using a mitten cookie cutter give each of your children a mitten cookie for snack.
Who's Here Mitten
Submitted by Lisa
Create a mitten for each child and write their name on it. Every day when they come in have your children put their mitten on a clothesline in your classroom
Winter Wonderland
Submitted by Tom
Set up a winter wonderland area in your classroom
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