You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Forest Theme >> Preschool Forest Science
Grow a Tree
Submitted by June
If you have a place. Plant a Tree in the Spring and Once a week let the children go see the progress. You can also let the children draw their own baby tree.
Owl Pellets
Submitted by Carla
Get owl pellets (bone and feather owls throw up) and put them in a glass jar. Provide magnifying glasses and let your children look at them close up.
Adopt a Tree
Submitted by Bonnie
When doing a Unit on Trees have your class go outside and adopt a tree. Then you can take walks to the tree and do activities with the tree. Some activities include:
Squirrel Food
Submitted by Brianne
Bring in nuts, acorns etc and talk to your children about what squirrels eat. Also talk about how squirrels hide their nuts all over the forest so they will have them for the winter
Changing Tree
Submitted by Betty
Put up a tree in your classroom. Over time change a few leaves a day to orange and brown. See how long it takes for your children to notice.

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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Forest >> Science