You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Fishing Theme >> Preschool Fishing Songs and Music
Dancing Fishies
Submitted by Janice
Have you ever gone fishing
On a bright and sunny day
With all the little fishies swimming
up and down the bay
With your hands in your pockets
And your pockets in your pants
All the little fishies do the hoochy woochy dance
Do Be Da Do Waa! Do Be DA Do Waa!
Yeah, all the fishies do the hoochy woochy dance
Fish Food
Submitted by Tina
Fishy swimming in a brook (Make diving motion)
Daddy catches with a hook. (motion like you are casting)
Mommy fries it in a pan (stir with a spoon)
Baby eats him like a man. (put hands on hips like superman)
Once I Caught A Fish
Submitted by Debby
Once I caught a fish alive
But, then I let it go again
Why did you let it go (shout)
Cause it bit my finger so (grab finger)
Which finger did it bite (shout)
This little finger on the right (wiggle right pinky finger)
Fishy Pokey
(to the tune of the Hokey Pokey)
Submitted by Debby
Put your left fin in, take your left fin out
You do the fishy pokey and you turn yourself around that's what its all about
Put your right gill in, take your right gill out (etc.)
I'm A Little Fishy
(tune of I'm a little tea pot)
Submitted by Linda
I'm a little fishy
watch me swim
Here is my tail
Here is my fin
When I want to have fun with my friends
I wiggle my tail an dive right in
Catch a Fish
(Sung To: Row, Row, Row your boat)
Submitted byJenni
Catch, catch, catch a fish,
Hook it on your line.
Reel it, reel it, reel it,
This one will be mine.
Lets-go-a Fishing
Submitted on the Comment Boxl
This instructional aid is called" Lets-go-a Fishing." You can do a lot of activities with it which promotes phonemics awareness.Cut out fish figures on different colors of construction paper, draw the mouth and the eyes and the scales around leave the body blank to write letters or numbers.And then put paperclip at the mouth of the fish. Then make a fish pole. Have a stick to tie the fish line then at the other end tie the piece of magnet. As the children deep the fish pole inside the container where the cut outs are, the magnet picks some of the cutout through the metal paper clips. With that the fisher (child) would identify what color of the fish and what letter or number he caught.
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