You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Fire Safety Theme >> Preschool Fire Safety Games
Put the Flames Out
Submitted by Nina
Get red and yellow sidewalk chalk. Draw flames on a sidewalk and let you children put them out with water bottles.
Escape Route
Submitted by Paula
Have your children draw the route they would take to get out of their house if it caught fire. Challenge them to come up with several different routes.
Crawl Low Under The Fire
Submitted by Ginger
Put up a sheet high enough so that your children can crawl under it. Next have your children pretend to be fire fighters and crawl underneath the fire.
911 Call
Submitted by Carla
Get several old phones (or draw one on paper) and have your children practice dialing 911 in an emergency.
Stop, Drop, Roll
Submitted by Betty
Get Your children to pretend they are on fire and practice stopping, dropping, and rolling
Catch the Fire Game
You need enough blankets or towels for half your class and a large area to run in. First, have the girls go to one end of the area and the boys to the opposite of the girls. Place the blankets or towels in the middle. Explain to the children that some people don't know what to do if they catch on fire, so you can help them. Have one group (girls or the boys) pretend they are on fire and run around the area yelling "I'm on fire". The other group grabs a blanket or towel and "hugs" a child "on fire". After everyone's fire is out, switch groups. If the boys were on fire, let the girls catch fire. Great way to teach fire safety!
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Everything Preschool >> Themes  >> Fire Safety >> Games