You Are Here: Preschool >> Themes >> Preschool Fairy Tales Theme >> Preschool Fairy Tales Activities
Dress Up
Submitted by Hollie
Ask your parents to donate old clothes, Halloween costumes, etc. Then let your kids dress up as their favorite fairy tails
Block Castle
Submitted by Paula
Put different pictures of real castles in the block area of your classroom. Encourage your children to build their own castles.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears Reenactment
Submitted by Julie
Gather several props to let your kids act out this popular fairy tail. Collect three bowls, a Goldilocks wig, a tie (for papa bear), a bib (for baby bear), and a scarf or necklace (for mama bear). Your kids will love acting out this story. For added fun take pictures and make a scrap book.
Box Castle
Submitted by an Unknown Friend
Make a castle out of a large appliance box. Cut out the bottom so the children can stand inside. Next cut the top so that it will resemble a castle. Let them play king and queens inside of it.
Find the Jewels
Submitted by Tarah
Hide fake jewels into sand. Let your children try to find them.
Cinderella Story
Submitted by Emily
Act out the story with your class. For added fun take pictures and make a scrap book.
Marshmallow Castle
Submitted by an Unknown Friend
Have your children make a castle with marshmallows and toothpicks and then eat the castle
Humpty Dumpty Egg Taste Test
Submitted by Louis
Provide your children with different types of eggs and let them taste the difference (hard boiled, scrambled, over easy, etc)
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Jar (or Bag)
Submitted by Nancy
Put syrup, glitter, blue water, and star confetti in a baby food jar or Zip Loc Bag and glue the top shut. Your children will love these suspended stars
Little Miss Muffet's Curds and Whey
Submitted by Lisa
This is simple to make, just mix crushed pineapple into cottage cheese and cool
Humpty Dumpty Egg Taste Test
Submitted by Louis
Provide your children with different types of eggs and let them taste the difference (hard boiled, scrambled, over easy, etc)
Queen of Heart
Submitted by Karen
Make you own tarts from biscuits and strawberry jam. First have your children flatten biscuits and then make and indention with a heart shaped cookie cutter
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